So as most of you know I went to a YSA convention here in Germany. It was for all YSAs in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Or in other words, the German speaking area. It was so awesome. So I didn't actually take a whole lot of pictures....yeah, I know. I am a slacker. Actually I only took like 3 pictures...the ones of my room, because it was so weird having my own room, and a sink to boot! And then the guy on the bull was from Texas. He was nice. But he was like 18 so I ducked out of spending too much time with him....

This is Kim, from here in Northern Germany. She is in my stake and she got baptised actually a few weeks after this. She is a lot of fun and I really like her.

This is Amelia. So while I was there I met two Australien girls and they were pretty much exactly like me so we attached at the hip and were not seen apart for the remainder of the conference. The other was Tanyth, who was sitting on the other side of the table, who also has some pictures from the conference that I am planning on still getting. That being said, there may be an addition to this post when I get those pictures!
So yeah, this was the Tagung! It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed myself. If only I had gotten a picture of Hotboy....or better yet, with him!
Cool! I am really glad that you had a good time & made friends...& it's ok. You are going to marry hot boy. So you are bound to yet find him again...unless he goes to Australia & finds your friends! heeheehee....
well, with all of these wonderful pictures/events you have officially made my husband miss germany and the people and his mission. He wants to go there more than ever now and show me everything. What a great city. The one thing the good ol' U S of A is missing is the history of really really really old buildings. I wish we had it. But oh well...if we did then we wouldn't travel. I am so happy for you as I read all of this. It seems like you are having a blast and I notice that your german is way way way better and your english is getting more german. :-)
Looks like alot of fun!!! I love all your pictures!
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