I also had my first train ride!!! It was pretty fun. Nerve wracking, but fun.
So Bremen is absolutely stunning in it's architecture and history. It was absolutely amazing. If I could spend everyday looking at history like that I would! So here are just some pictures of the city.

The whole town was just teaming with statues and old beautiful buildings. Pretty much all of the buildings had statues like this at the top.

This is the town hall. You should have seen it up close! It was so pretty!

Roland. There is a whole history of Roland, but this is Bremen's Roland, protecting the city with his unbreakable sword, Durendart.

There was an area of the city that used to be the sailor quarters, as Bremen is a port city. Right of the big river, there is what's called the Schnoor. It's where all the captains lived and where all the sailors stayed when in port. It's now a historical alley. All the streets are extremely small and tight, and these days, filled with tourists.

This was the main sailor hotel sort of thing. Now it's a restaurant.

This particular street was 1.8 meters wide. That's 5'9''. Pretty tight.

The river runs right through town so it is quite the area to see. There are shops and little stands and restaurants and all kinds of little things to see all along.

Along the bank, people set up little tents and tables and sell things like a big garage sale. It's called Flohmarkt.

A watertower. I thought it looked cool all nestled into the trees.

Mimi played assistant to the magician on the steps of the town hall.

The Grimm Brother's fairy tale of the Bremer Musicians. I had a book on this when I was young. Now I have seen it in person!

This old church was built in the 1300s by a poor munk. Later it was the place in which "Lobe den Herrn, den Almächtigen König" was written. In English it is "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty". Every 15 minutes past the hour, it plays on the bells.

Every hour on the hour, another set of bells plays. These bells are a HUGE tourist attraction. It was also the first time for the family here to see it. It was pretty cool.

This part of the building turns while the bells play.

There are 10 pannels that rotate throughout the duration of the bells.

There were these 2 guys that painted themselves all silver and had a camera set up. Then they would pose like statues and not move until someone put a tip in their little jar. Then when someone put a tip in, they would chase them down and tell them that those who put in a tip got a discount picture with them for 2 euro. It worked like a charm. The girls wanted it so we took a picture with them. I will scan it and put it in my collection later. But it was a very good idea.

Awesome!!! I love when you share the historical parts too like this. I'm really glad you got to go to Bremen. You always did enjoy those fairy tales. & love the castle looking places & Roland & all the amazing buildings. & that really was a very clever idea with the guys painting themselves. Very ingenuitive!
This just looks absolutely INCREDIBLE! It looks awesome!!! I'm so glad that you're getting to visit all of these fun, exciting, historical places! I LOVE the buildings!
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