Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gar nichts

So I thought that since I don't really have anything interesting coming up, and my camera is broken, I would do this. I stole it from Jimmy, which according to his blog he stole from Michelle, who stole it from Melissa. Or something of that sort....

Four things you may or may not have known about me in no particular order, directions are at the end! ENJOY!!

Four jobs I have had in my life
Au Pair
MTC Provo UT
BYU Cougareat

Four movies I would watch over and over:
Dumb and Dumber
Pride and Prejudice
Tommy Boy

Four Places I have lived!
Excelsior Springs, MO
Provo, UT
Ypsilanti, MI
Heide, Germany

Four Tv Shows I watch
Arrested Development
Flight of the Conchords
Gilmore Girls
The Office

Four places I have been:

Who do you E -mail (regularly): No particular order
My Mommy
My Sister (Melissa)
My Sister (Linda)
Mr. Harlan

Four of my favorite foods:
Mongolian Beef (P.F. Changs)

Where I would rather be right now:
No where!!! But places I could stand being if I wasn't here:
Home with my family
With Michelle
Provo, UT

I am looking forward to this year:
Learning fluent German
Forgetting English
Going to Paris
Going to Majoka (An island south of Spain)


Marcy said...

Sounds like fun...but I totally could have figured out most of those on my own...It appears that we think alike or something.... Love you

Aaron and Melissa said...

I can't believe you get to go to so many awesome places... maybe you going will someday give me the courage I need to maybe step foot outside of our country... not yet though... I've got to SLOWLY get used to the idea... and I just don't know if I will ever be comfortable leaving. I just feel safe here in the USA! Love you!!

Chris and Linda said...

I loved talking to you yesterday!! love you!

Michelle said...

i am so glad if you could be somewhere else you would want to be with me :) makes me happy!!!!! hehe loves you lanners!!

This is my blog for my time in Germany. I thought this would be a good way for people to see what's going on while I'm there.