The scenery was really pretty, I never got a chance to take good pictures of the land, but I hope that it's not the last time I go. The further south you go the prettier it gets. It was absolutely gorgeous. It's pretty much the prettiest place I have seen with my own two eyes.
So you can't see it well, I was still on the bus, so this is a moving photo, but that's all there was to this town. I took a picture of it because that's how EVERY town was on the way. It was all very much like I had originally pictured Germany to be. The milkmaid idea kind of thing...
This proves I spelled it right!
It was a beautiful warm day and the temple is SO pretty. Different set up than American ones, but very pretty.
This is looking out at the town from the temple grounds. The temple is seriously RIGHT in the middle of this tiny town. So it's just one a small hill, surrounded by the houses and streets too small for two cars, or one bus. I have no idea how our driver managed it.

We were packing up to leave and Jessi was making beautiful faces at me. (That's Jessi as is Yes - ie)
Jessi, Emily and I (Emily is the other American Au Pair) we decided it wasn't pretty enough behind us so then came the next picture.
So I really like this picture, but there is a story. So this is the eventual outcome, but we asked one of our friends to take the picture so he was like playing the Photographer role and was like, ok, stand like this and do this, no look this way. And so he took the picture with Emily's camera so I don't have it but it looked horrible. We were all standing like in a line, and had to look down the hill, away from each other. It was totally a retarded picture, so we teased him about it from then on!
We decided it lookes like she was asking for her autograph, again they were making really funny faces that I didn't get my camera out in time for. I was really slacking photo wise on this trip...
This is us and Aaron, the guy I spent most of the time with. He spoke really good English and he was really cool.
We had to get Jessi in there. The the guy in the way back decided he better get in too!
It was soo much fun! I loved it! The Tagungs (what we call this sort of thing) are really fun. We don't really have a whole lot like them in the states...but it was a lot of fun!
Looks like lots of fun! It's good to see you in pictures with other people your age :) Sounds awesome-- like all of your other experiences over there thusfar! I'm jealous... I think you should be MY nanny for a year when you're done and I'll just switch you places! I'll be their nanny! yay! What'd'ya think??? Ok- so maybe not... I don't want to leave the country (EVER) and I have to be slightly more responsible... I do have 3 kids, afterall... LOVE You!
SO fun!!!! I love the pictures you put up on here. Especially love seeing you at the temple & doing fun things with other young people. This whole experience just has to be SO rewarding! I love that you are taking this opportunity & making the most of it!!! Love you
FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so great Lani!! We love you and are so glad your having fun!!
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