We had another Jahrmarkt come to town, this one bringing a few different rides with it. It was fun. We went, had fun on the rides, ate dinner there. So these are just some fun pictures!

That is just a scary thought...

Then the Missionaries had their Pday on Tuesday this week instead of Wednesday, so I spent all day in Kiel! We had a blast! I took my camera, intending to take pictures, I got a few, and then Elder Arnett got ahold of it and made it into a photo shoot…

The Harbor in Kiel. They are getting ready for the biggest festival in Kiel this week, so it was pretty busy!

This was in the neo nazi store we accidently went into...we hung out with my new friend.

Elder Arnett, stuffing his face.

So these are just a fraction of the pictures now on my camera, from when Elder Arnett

This was when I was telling him off for taking so many pictures of me. Which of course, he decided to photograph as well.
So that is what's going on here. My blog is rather boring these days, but hopefully it will get more exciting next month, since hopefully I will go to Berlin, and I will turn 21!!!! Ok. Till next time!