Friday, October 10, 2008

Tempelfahrt 2

I think it is just becoming tradition, everytime I post, I post at least 3 posts. Sorry. The earlier 2 posts were a while ago, these pictures were from last weekend, so that is pretty good I think.

So we went on another temple trip. This time it was with our branch. It was fun. All the kids came with us. We stayed at the temple. Because of the wide areas that the temples cover here in Europe, they usually have some sort of building on the temple grounds that works basically as a hotel. You pay a few euro, and you get a room. So we stayed there. All the women together, all the men together, and then those with families stay as families. So I was in a 10 bed room with the other 2 YSAs, and then 7 older women. It was actually a lot of fun. I enjoyed myself. All those that were endowed (meaning everyone but me and one other girl) spent pretty much the entire time in the temple, and we only had one session for baptisms. But on Saturday morning there was a group of YSAs from another stake there and we were able to go with their session so that was nice.

These two pictures aren't clear because they were taken out a moving bus window, and it doesn't show the beauty of the land, but I tried. The further south you go, the prettier and prettier it gets. I wish I could have good pictures to prove it.

The little town where the temple is located is just really cute and small. It is really pretty.

There is a family here in our branch that has 5 young children. They're all very close together and therefore it is hard to keep track of them all. Because they have been so busy with their kids, the parents have not been in the temple together at the same time since shortly after their oldest was born. He is now 10. Colleen, the young girl in our branch, and I babysat so that they could go to the temple together for the first time in about 9 years. It was really cool. So we took them to a park and played and it was a lot of fun. Colleen held the baby while I played with the rest of them. It was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun.

Gideon really likes me, but he likes it more to hide from me, and then have me chase him down.

Eventually the branch president and his wife came and played with us. Sabine is one of the most amazing, kindest women I know.

I really liked this sequence of pictures. I was on the weird ladder thing and Mimi wanted to take pictures with me. So she tried to get on my knee, and at first she slid down and then she got up there and then cuddled me while I was supporting both of us. She's a handful, but she is loving and fun.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Der schönste Leuchtturm Deutschlands

So that statement means the most beautiful lighthouse in Germany. While it is, there are not many because only the very northern part of Germany has a coast in which to have a lighthouse. But nonetheless, it is still very beautiful. It is right here in Schleswig-Holstein, only about an hour away. It is very beautiful, built in the early 1900s. So we made a day of it.

Lighthouses always remind me of Christ so it was a very neat experience. I felt very close to heaven that day.

The land was very beautiful, so I just took a whole bunch of pictures.

There were sheep everywhere. All over the place.

The girls had a lot of fun playing with the sheep. Although I am not so sure the sheep liked it...

There were only like 3 black sheep. I thought of daddy so I took pictures. It was interesting to see the lighthouse, a.k.a. Christ, and the black sheep, a.k.a. me.

This area used to be part of the north sea, and at certain times of the year, still is. So what was left behind was basically salt flats. So the whole area was just a very interesting place to see.

It was a long walk to the lighthouse, so I took a lot of pictures. And I enjoyed watching the family have some fun together. It is a rare thing that we are all together, and everyone is getting along. It was nice.

Seriously, just a buttload of sheep. And they kept forming perfectly straight lines and following each other, but they never seemed to go anywhere. So they would line up, follow each other, and then find a tuft of grass that looked tasty and the line would break. It was very interesting.

This was a tree up by the house itself. It was interesting. Normal green leaves on one side, and then the other side of the leaf was white and had a kind of leathery, satin texture. Very pretty.

These pictures were not mine obviuosly, but I liked them, so I took pictures of them too.

I thought this sign was kind of funny, because as far as I knew, there is always danger to life during a thunderstorm, and always especially near water. I guess some people just need reminding.

On the way back, the girls and I took the small pedestrian way. Dagmar's wheelchair couldn't make it, so they went back the way we came. It was pretty neat.

The girls played horses the whole way back, so I was left behind as they galloped off.

The way was very small.

This is my blog for my time in Germany. I thought this would be a good way for people to see what's going on while I'm there.