I think it is just becoming tradition, everytime I post, I post at least 3 posts. Sorry. The earlier 2 posts were a while ago, these pictures were from last weekend, so that is pretty good I think.
So we went on another temple trip. This time it was with our branch. It was fun. All the kids came with us. We stayed at the temple. Because of the wide areas that the temples cover here in Europe, they usually have some sort of building on the temple grounds that works basically as a hotel. You pay a few euro, and you get a room. So we stayed there. All the women together, all the men together, and then those with families stay as families. So I was in a 10 bed room with the other 2 YSAs, and then 7 older women. It was actually a lot of fun. I enjoyed myself. All those that were endowed (meaning everyone but me and one other girl) spent pretty much the entire time in the temple, and we only had one session for baptisms. But on Saturday morning there was a group of YSAs from another stake there and we were able to go with their session so that was nice. 

These two pictures aren't clear because they were taken out a moving bus window, and it doesn't show the beauty of the land, but I tried. The further south you go, the prettier and prettier it gets. I wish I could have good pictures to prove it.

The little town where the temple is located is just really cute and small. It is really pretty.

Eventually the branch president and his wife came and played with us. Sabine is one of the most amazing, kindest women I know.
I really liked this sequence of pictures. I was on the weird ladder thing and Mimi wanted to take pictures with me. So she tried to get on my knee, and at first she slid down and then she got up there and then cuddled me while I was supporting both of us. She's a handful, but she is loving and fun.