So this was my favorite plaque that I saw there. It was very sad, and it all made me cry. This plaque, I can't remember all of it and only a portion can be seen in this photo. But it told of all the people that died and then says that the world will never forget the horrors that were caused by a group that was hungry for power and the injustice they brought upon the whole world. Down in the corner, here in this other picture, it says Vater vergib... which means, Father forgive...
This is written in old German. It says:
Tue deinen Mund auf für die Stimmen und für die Sache aller die Verlassen sind.
It basically means to have a moment of silence for the voices and things of all those that were left behind, or abandoned.

I figured since there were only 3 pictures of this I would just put them up too. This is of Mimi's baptism. The family of course. And then the guy holding the door in the other picture is Opa (Grandpa) Schumaier. He looks kind of scary in that picture but he's super nice.
So I think I am almost caught up, just in time to get behind again! For any of you who keep up with this, sorry that it takes me so long. If your internet was as slow as mine, you'd understand! I love you all and miss everyone!